Flojak "Plus" Stainless Steel Pumps

Rugged, Stainless Steel well pump with Tee-Handle upper, designed to lift water from 150 feet below ground. Small diameter 2" piping fits into most wells right next to the existing pump system without interferance. This stainless steel well pump may be stored for emergency backup, or installed permanently for daily use. This stainless steel hand pump for wells is able to pump pressurized water into your household plumbing system so that you may have running water at the sink, for flushing and for showering.

It is advisable to install your hand pump for wells so that the foot-valve (water inlet end) is as far below static water level as possible to protect from draught and seasonal water table fluctuation. Doing so will also provide additional water reserve in the well while drawing from deeper, cleaner water sources. Stay 10 to 20 feet off the bottom to avoid pumping silt.

If you aren't quite sure which PVC water pump kit-length you need, call us toll free at 855-435-6525 (M-F, 8-4:30 Central)